Today in Math.....

.....We covered magnitudes, component forms, and directions of vectors. These concepts are sooo easy to understand, I could've learned them in my sleep, which I did. Really, I didn't pay any attention because my teacher is extremely boring.
Anyway, about the component forms, this basically means the difference between the X's and the Y's in the vector. You subtract X1 from X2 and Y1 from Y2. The difference will be the answer to the vector in component form. Secondly, we covered magnitudes of the vectors. Magnitudes are what you get when use the distance formula on the points of the vector. It's like squaring the two numbers from the component form, then adding them to get a number under the square root symbol. You then reduce that number, if possible. The final concept we covered was the direction of vectors. This can be figured out by first getting the magnitude of the vector. Afterward, use the difference of the X's and Y's to figure out how far you must go from the vector. The differences will also give you the units of to sides. This is when you use SOHCAHTOA to find the equation in relation to the right angle. Use your calculator to figure out the sine, cosine, or tangent.

1 comment:

  1. you are totally right he is boring! and this concept in geometry was super easy! :)


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