Today in History......

.....We learned about the French Revolution. We had do a huge amount of book work, but it was pretty easy and most of us got it done fairly quick. My teacher, Mr. Adams, was out "sick" today, so we had a substitute. She basically let us do whatever after we finished our classwork, so me and my friends were dancing. Everyone in the class was just looking at us like they had never seen anyone dance before. It was too funny looking around the class and seeing a bunch of blank expressions on their faces! We asked the sub to dance with us, but she was being all lame and telling us how our songs were nothing like hers. She tried to teach us how to do "The Swim" and stuff! Seeing that sub dance was hilarious. I wish all classes could be that fun!

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"Click Clack"

"Click Clack"
The Last Sound Before You Hit The Field